Wednesday, 27 June 2012

I had a great time photographing Patrick's multi-sports party for his 6th birthday (courtesy of SG17 Sports).

Following concerns for the weather and a slight mishap with the venue booking Patrick and his friends were lucky enough to enjoy 2 hours of running around outside in the sunshine under the direction of Steve at SG17 Sports.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Oh..... I almost forgot to add - I have a business logo thanks to my good friend Bill - check it out on my facebook page!!!  Perhaps if you're feeling generous you would take the time to 'like' my facebook page too!!  Thank you so much xx

Lisa x

Wow.... has it really been a month since I last posted!!  Teacher's report would definitely say "must do better"!!  Its been a quiet-ish month on the photoshoot front but that was mainly down to some prior personal engagements I had planned and left little time to do any bookings!  As always, I have my camera to hand no matter what I'm doing!  So to fill the void until Friday, when I am photographing a lavish birthday party, here are some shots from my own personal collection!